Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Scary Thing that we call our Futures!

I never realized how much our future depends on what we are doing right now. I am a little bit of what people would call a psycho when it comes to grades. People tease me constantly about how uptight I can become when my grades aren't what I would like them to be. Most of this is because I want to go to a great college, and carry that into a career. I still don't know exactly what type of career I would like to go into yet, because it is a very tough decision.

It scares me a little bit to know that we won't have our parents to fall back on for everything when we grow up. This is why we need to practice doing things on our own, and learning how to take care of ourselves. People talk about how they got to college, and they didn't even know how to do laundry. I don't want things like this to happen to me. Yes, I do know how to laundry.

My goal for college is to go somewhere out of the state of Utah. I don't even care where, I just want to get out! Don't get me wrong, I have loved growing up in Utah. Sometimes I just have to wonder how much different my life would be if I lived somewhere else. I also want to do something different than my parents and my oldes sister. All three of them have gone to BYU, and the summer before they attended their freshman year they earned money by being firefighters. This has been great for them, and I'm sure I would have a blast doing that same thing. I just don't want to look back on my life, and think, "what if I had done this?"

What I am hoping for is that I can go somewhere on the east coast, or somewhere in California. Basically, anywhere except for Utah, and the surrounding areas. I am not saying at all that they aren't good schools, I just don't know if it would be the best option for me. My sister was hoping for the exact same thing from college, and she ended up going to BYU. That might happen to me, but I just want to make sure that I will have the opportunity to do something else. This is the reason I am such a freak about my grades.

Especially if I go out of state I won't have my family close by to fall back on. It's a scary thing to think about having to make it on our own, but I am determined to get as much education as I possibly can. It's not only that I want to have opportunities, but I love to learn. My sister once told me that the ideal job would be learning, and getting paid for it. I would have to agree with this statement, because I really do enjoy learning. Some subjects definitely interest me more than others, but it's fun to learn new things that you didn't know before.

Our futures may be a scary thing to think about, but I think the time to start worrying about it is now. We need to figure out what we want to do with our lives, so that we can leave it knowing that we made a difference.

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