Sunday, November 14, 2010

Harry Potter...Can't Wait!

I have recently realized that I really enjoy the Harry Potter movies! I've only read the first three books, and half of the fourth one but they're so good. The reason I stopped reading them is because they scared me to death. I would have nightmares, and it just never turned out too good. The fourth one got dark pretty suddenly, so I decided I might try reading them at a later date. The part I thought was scary was when Harry has the dream at the very beginning about Voldemort. It's been three years since I put that book down, and I have yet to pick it back up. Maybe when I don't have any books that I need to be reading.

Something that I thought was very interesting about Harry Potter is that the name Voldemort actually has some meaning to it. The root volde means jump in French, and mort means death. This means that Voldemort was able to jump over death.

The movie comes out this next week on Thursday night, and I am so excited. My friend and I are going to the premiere at 12:01 at Tinseltown. Yesterday we watched the sixth one to get ourselves ready and excited for the seventh movie. The only bad thing is that I have to go to school the next day, because I can't miss math.

I'm a little bit of a wimp when it comes to scary movies, so I'm hoping I don't get too creeped out. Even the sixth one makes me a little nervous, especially all the Death Eaters. The end of the sixth one tricks you into liking Malfoy. It makes you feel so bad for him that he doesn't really have a choice, and that he has to kill Dumbledore or else he'll be killed by Voldemort.

It's so funny to watch the first movies, and see how little all the actors are. Especially the three main characters. They all still have their baby chub, and by the end of the series they're all grown up. I think the producers did a great job with picking the cast, and they seem to resemble my imaginary characters from when I was reading the book. I just wish that the first Dumbledore wouldn't have died, because I don't like the new one as much. It's funny that a lot of the people that act in these movies probably won't be in any others, because they will only be thought of as playing that certain character. This will definitely be true with Harry and Ron.

It is my goal for the end of this school year to finish up the series. I feel a little stupid going to the premieres, and loving them so much, but not even reading them. My sister is a little obsessed, and she has read each of them more than once. I vividly remember the night that she read the seventh book the night it came out. She stayed up all night, and at about 3:00 in the morning she came in to my room to ask if I would come and sleep in her room. She asked me because she was really scared, and so I went in there half asleep. Then a few hours later I woke up to the sound of her crying. She was sobbing, and she said, "This is the most amazing book, but it is so sad!" I laughed a little, and then went back to sleep. I really hope that I will be able to read the rest of them, so that I can experience the magic!

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